Ultimate TUBE CUTTing machines
Ultimate Tube Cutting Machines
The Vulcan Ultimate Tube Cutting Machines are high-performance, high-speed, single-pass automatic tube cutting systems designed for precision and efficiency. Equipped with Brehm-supported shear technology, they deliver accurate cuts, minimize material waste, and ensure burr-free finishes, making them reliable solutions for a wide range of industrial applications.
High Production
Delivers fast, continuous cutting for high-volume operations.
High Tolerances
Cuts lengths to thousandths.
Fully Automatic
Automated controls ensure consistent, accurate results with every cut.
Lengths Cut
From ¼” up to 48” depending on the tubing specifications.
Reduced Scrap
Optimized design eliminates waste and produces chip-free cuts.
Tubing Cuts
Burr-free Cuts
Delivers smooth, burr-free, and chipless finishes for exceptional quality.
Model Sizes
2 ½”, 4” (Each model cuts sizes up the specified OD)