Vulcan Tool Visits Local High Schools

by Oct 1, 2022Company News

Promoting Open House and New Manufacturing Explorer Post

Vulcan Tool Company President Ashley Webb visited local high schools recently to invite students to visit during the upcoming Open House event and promote the new Manufacturing Explorer Post.  This past week he visited both the Dayton Regional STEM School and Belmont High School.  Invitations have been extended to nearly two dozen high schools and career tech programs in the Miami Valley, encouraging students to consider attending October 6th Open House.


Vulcan Tool Manufacturing Explorer Post Provides Skilled Trades Insights

Exploring is a unique career exploration program for young men and women ages 14—20. Our program provides students with an opportunity to learn about manufacturing career fields and network with professionals already working in those fields.  The wide variety of work done by Vulcan Tool Company makes it an ideal place for young people interested in skilled trades to come to learn more about career path options in manufacturing.  Engineering, machining, welding, machine repair, machine building, and controls & automation are all part of the work done at Vulcan Tool on a daily basis.


Going to College to be an Engineer?  EXPLORING IS FOR YOU TOO!

Exploring Manufacturing Careers includes direct application of mechanical and electrical engineering skills.  We also touch on architectural, structural and civil engineering concepts as we learn how industry finds solutions to become more efficient and productive.  Anyone who is interested in a career in manufacturing can learn more by participating in our Explorer Post!

Get Your Free Ticket for the Open House Here

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